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30 Smart ways to increase website traffic - SEO : Search Engine Optimization

1. Title 

2. Meta Description 

3. Keyword 

3. Heading 

4. Robots.txt

5. XML Sitemap

6. schema.org

7. Mobile Viewport 

8. Font Size legibility 

9. Languages 

10. Structured data markup 

11. Analytics

12. Backlinks Score

13. Social Media Engagement 

14. Facebook Error

15. Canonical Tag

16. Add a title on tag a 

17. microdata

18. Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

19.  Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

20. Minify CSS

21. Optimize images

22. Minify HTML
23. Minify JavaScript

24. The Opengraph meta tags are not set.

25. The Twitter card is incomplete.

26. There are not social plugin within the page.

27.  This page has not been promoted enough on facebook.

28. Add the alt in image tags

29. <link rel=alternate media=print href="http://www.<your site>.com/copyrite.html">

30. Testing


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