➡What is the box model in CSS?
➡How do you implement responsive design?
➡What is the difference between inline and block elements?
➡How do you optimize images for web use?
➡What is the difference between null and undefined?
➡What is event loop?
➡What is the difference between var, let, and const?
➡What is the difference between == and ===?
➡ What is the difference between Promises and Async Await?
➡What is the Virtual DOM and how does it work?
➡How do you optimize the performance of a React application?
➡What is the difference between state and props?
➡How do you handle side effects in React?
➡What is the difference between a controlled and uncontrolled component?
➡What is user-centered design and how do you implement it?
➡How do you conduct user research and testing?
➡What is the difference between a wireframe and a prototype?
➡How do you design for accessibility?
➡What is the difference between a responsive and adaptive design?
Frontend Build Tools
➡ What is Webpack and how does it work?
➡ How do you optimize the build process for a frontend application?
➡ What is the difference between a bundler and a transpiler?
➡ How do you implement tree shaking and code splitting?
➡ What is the difference between a dev and prod build?
State Management
➡What is state management and why is it important?
➡How do you implement state management with Redux or MobX?
➡What is the difference between a store and a context?
➡How do you handle side effects with state management?
➡What is the difference between a reducer and an action?
Frontend Security
➡What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and how do you prevent it?
➡How do you implement authentication and authorization?
➡What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and how do you prevent it?
➡How do you handle sensitive data in a frontend application?
➡What is the difference between HTTPS and HTTP?
Browser APIs
➡What is the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage?
➡How do you implement geolocation and push notifications?
➡What is the difference between a cookie and a token?
➡How do you handle browser storage and caching?
➡What is the difference between a web worker and a service worker?
Frontend Frameworks
➡What is the difference between Angular, React, and Vue?
➡What is the difference between a library and a framework?
➡What is the difference between a template and a component?
➡Difference between Promises and Observables!
Version Control (Git):
➡Describe all git basic commands.
Please comment down your interview questions. ✍