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INT416 : Software Project Management Lab 20+ Important Questions for End Term Exams - INT 416 - SPM Lab evaluation 1,2,3,4 Set A, B

Software project management is an art of planning software projects.

Question 1 : Generate a network diagram for the Gaming application and show the task linkages, summary Tasks and critical path.

Question 2 : Generate a network diagram for the UMS and show the task linkages,  summary Tasks and critical path.

Question 3: Generate a network diagram for the inventory management System and show the task linkages, summary Tasks and critical path.

Question 4: Generate a network diagram for the online test management system and show the task linkages, summary Tasks and critical path.

Question 5: Generate a network diagram for the online sale and purchase system and show the task linkages, summary Tasks and critical path.

Question 6: Generate a network diagram for wireless system.

Question 7: Generate a network diagram for client server architecture.

Question 8: Generate a network digram for  three client and one server.

Question 9: Generate a network diagram for air traffic control system.

Question 10: Generate a network digram for railway traffic control system.

Question 11: Generate a task linkage between two organizations.

Question 12: Generate a network digram for airways route system.

Question 13: Generate a gantt chart for SRS.

Question 14: Generate a gantt chart for software project.

Question 15: Generate a gantt chart for bussiness project.

Question 16: Create a calendar for specific timing.
Change the working days to nonworking days
Generate a calendar havin two dayz working
Insert a new task to the existing system
Add multiple tasks to the gantt chart 
Split the windows in to two views

Question 17: Generate link between two tasks.

Question 18: Generate finish to start relation.

Question 19: Generate finish to finish relation.

Question 20: Generate a resource sheet for srs
Apply the resource sheet to Gantt view
Organize the task of a system

Question 21: Generate resource sheet for bridge construction system.


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