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CSE205 : Data Structure CA Test 2 | Class Test 2 | Continuous Assessment (CA) | SET 1,2,3 | Academic Task 2 | LPU

Test-2 (SET-1)

Q1:Apply insertion sort to “D,A,T,A, S,T,R,U,C,T,U,R,E,S” and write the algorithm for the insertion sort.    (10)   
Q2: Consider the following elements 30,20,10, 100, 90, 70,60, 50 and create the heap tree for the same and write the algorithm for heap insertion.  (10)

Q3: In the above graph, apply the bfs traversal to find a path from G to B. and also write the algorithm for the same. (10)

Test-2 (SET-2)

Q1: Apply selection sort to “D,A,T,A, S,T,R,U,C,T,U,R,E,S” and write the algorithm for the selection sort.    (10)   

Q2: Consider the following elements 66,68,58,14,99,48,148,70 and create the heap tree for the same and write the algorithm for heap insertion. (10)

Q3: In the above graph, apply the dfs traversal to find all vertices reachable  path from G  and also write the algorithm for the same. (10)


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